

- Made an inaugural grant for “Fairness in the Fields,” an initiative by a coalition including Oxfam America that establishes, enforces, publicizes, and monitor a comprehensive set of labor standards for farm work in the U.S.
- Created the first statewide network of undocumented youth advocating for immigration reform.
- Spearheaded a powerful new campaign, Californians for Safety and Justice, the architects of Prop 47, shrinking the prison system and investing the savings in treatment and crime prevention.

- Provided its first grant in support of Dukes v. Wal-Mart, the largest civil rights class action lawsuit in U.S. history, which went to the Supreme Court.
- Supported San Francisco advocates in securing an agreement for more than $30 million in employment, affordable housing and other community benefits from Bayview Hunters-Point developer, Lennar, Inc.
- Funded campaign that made CA first state in the nation to provide paid family leave.
- Backed formerly incarcerated leaders fighting employment discrimination against people with criminal records. The movement has won anti-discrimination policies statewide in fourteen states, including California, and more than 100 cities nationwide.

- Kicked off a nine-year, $6 million initiative that resulted in the complete overhaul of California’s child support system.
- Funded the successful legal challenge to California’s anti-immigrant Prop 187.
- Provided support to Asian Pacific American Legal Center, which joined the ACLU and the Asian Law Caucus in representing immigrant workers from Thailand who had been held as virtual slaves in an El Monte sweatshop, resulting in an award of more than $4 million in damages.

- Seed funding for what would become the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Launched the Child Care Law Center.
- Start up support for Radio Bilingue, which now operates Spanish language radio stations across five states.

- Launched the San Francisco Child Abuse Council.
- Provided start up funding for Legal Services for Children, the first nonprofit law firm for youth in the country.

- Initiated what would become the National Council of La Raza.
- Gave the first grant to create the Exploratorium.
- Supplied a grant to the Migrant Ministry, which helped farm labor families form the Farm Workers Organization of Tulare County. The group became part of the National Farm Workers Association and in 1965, helped organize the famous grape pickers strike.
- Then-Foundation President Ruth Chance and several others began meeting to exchange ideas and improve cooperation among foundations, leading to the formation of the Northern California Grantmakers.

- Launched one of the first funding programs supporting farm workers by providing a grant to the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools to research the tools needed to educate the children of farm workers.
- Established the nation’s first health clinics for farmworkers, ultimately leading to the federal Migrant Health Program, with 165 clinics across the country.
- Only foundation to assist Japanese American families sent to internment camps. Started the San Francisco Foundation, which has since become one of the nation’s largest community foundations.
- Made Rosenberg’s inaugural set of grants, supporting reproductive rights for farmworker women in the Central Valley.